THE RATIONALEService Opportunities
Advisory Council
The council will assist the Pastor and the Principal to formulate policy and strategically plan for our school. Three year positions open in the spring of each year and are obtained by election or appointment. Meetings are held monthly in the evenings. If interested, please speak to the School Advisory Council president.
Campbell Soup Labels/Box Tops/Coke Points
Campbell Soup Labels, General Mills Box Tops, and Coke Points are donated by families throughout the year to be submitted for money or materials for SPS. These need to be trimmed, counted, and gathered together for mailing.
Classroom Volunteer
Classroom Volunteers aides the teacher in the classroom with bulletin boards, classroom projects, or other tasks throughout the year, either at home or at the school.
Field Day
Work with the Physical Education teacher and Men’s Club to ensure a successful Field Day. Individuals will be responsible for set up, monitoring the event, and clean up for Field Day in May.
Field Trip Drivers
Individuals are needed to drive and chaperone field trips. (Cost of chaperone is included in the field trip money collected at final registration unless noted.) Siblings are not allowed to attend. Drivers will receive 1and 1/2 times the hours spent as service hours for the field trip to compensate for gasoline used.
The Diocese of Fort Worth requires all drivers on school field trips to carry a minimum limit of liability insurance. Parent must show proof of insurance for $100K bodily injury, $300K each accident, and $25K property damage. The school must have a copy of the current policy on file. Should the insurance expire during the school year, please provide up-to-date policy information.
The acknowledgement form for safe enviornment must be on file in the school office. The Diocese mandates that this must be updated every 3 years.
Help with the various fundraisers throughout the year, i.e. Cookie Dough distribution.
Grandparents' Day
Individuals are needed to assist with the Grandparents’ Day reception and any other projects related to Grandparents’ Day, which is usually during Catholic Schools Week.
Helping Hands
Service (primarily meals) provided to our families in the event of surgery, prolonged illness, hospitalization of parent or student, childbirth, or death of someone in the household. Meals are typically dropped off and picked up at the office.
Home and School Association (HSA)
All parents of St. Peter are automatically members of the HSA. The Association helps to raise both morale and financial support for students, staff, faculty, and families through the use of varied programs, activities, and fundraisers.
Assist throughout the school year with hospitality activities of the school. These duties would include, but are not limited to the following: purchasing flowers, gifts, and food for school events and helping with set up and clean up for various school events.
Duties may include shelving/re-shelving books, assisting children with check out, reading stories to younger grades, end of year inventory.
Assist with various maintenance or landscaping projects throughout the year when needed. Most jobs include painting, minor repairs, and routine maintenance and landscaping tasks.
SPS Men's Club
Open to all fathers and father figures of current and past SPS students. The Men’s Club will work on specific school projects/events during the year that are deemed necessary by the Men’s Club or the Principal. Meetings are held monthly.
Mentor/Host Family
Act as a "mentor or host" family to a new family of the school and ensure their transition to the school is successful. Act as a resource for questions throughout the year. Communicate through email and phone calls to ensure new families are well informed. Invite new families to school activities and to meet the family’s own school-age children the summer before school starts. Please contact Mrs. McGann to be paired with a new family.
Junior High School Dances
Help decorate, chaperone, provide snacks, and clean up for the 6th – 8th grade dances.
Office Aide Volunteer
Help answer phones, copy, file, and various office duties during school hours.
Open House - Catholic Schools Week
Open Houses are a chance for parents and prospective families to visit the school. Individuals are needed to prepare the school for visitors and to conduct tours of the school to prospective families. The Open Houses are usually during Catholic Schools Week on Sunday morning, and various times throughout the year. Please contact Mrs. Healy for more information
Room Parent
Being a Room Parent is a unique opportunity to be involved in your child's classroom experience. The Room Parent is responsible for being a liaison between the teacher and the other classroom parents in the designated grade (Pre-K through 8th grade.) The Room Parent is assigned before the beginning of the school year. Please see the office staff for more information. The Room Parent plans the class celebrations for Christmas and other designated days. The Room Parent is also responsible for working with the homeroom teacher on the gala class project and class basket.
Service Hours Coordinator
The Service Hours Coordinator’s job is to help for families seeking to complete their commitment.
Sports Coach
Individuals are needed to act as coach and assistants for the following sports:
Baseball, Softball, Basketball, Soccer, Volleyball, Track.
Book Fair
Assist in various duties including preparation, set up, tear down, and working during the book fair. The Book Fair is usually held during Catholic Schools Week and sometimes in the spring.
Spring Festival
The Fall Festival is held once a year with the support of the parish, various parish organizations and ministries. Each class sponsors carnival type booths where participants earn tickets to be used to purchase prizes. In addition, the event includes bounce houses, BINGO, entertainment, a cake walk, a book walk and food booth. Some of the various committees include Ticket Sales (Pre-event), Ticket Sales (Event Day), Publicity, Entertainment, Attractions, Game Booths, Prize Booths, T-Shirts. Individuals are needed to help...
Stewardship Masses
Sign in children at the St. Peter Masses the third Sunday of the month and man a table outside church to pass out information and answer questions about SPS.
Help with various technology needs on campus, i.e. cabling, moving computers, installing software if needed, etc.